Getting a new hearing aid can be scary when it’s your first time. We know we have to have one when our hearing begins to fail us. You’re not alone in the hearing battle as nearly 40 million people face the same challenges. It often occurs as we age, and there’s not much we can do about it. However, you …
What to Expect at a Hearing Test
It is time to visit an audiologist or other hearing specialist because you have noticed that you are having difficulty hearing. You can be at risk for cognitive decline, depression and other health related problems when hearing loss isn’t treated. There are three parts to the initial evaluation of hearing. There will be a conversation covering health history, physical exam …
Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test
People often don’t know that they have a hearing problem since the condition can occur slowly over time. The body has a strong ability to just adapt over time to hearing less so it cannot even be obvious to them. Before they know it, everyone around them sounds like they are mumbling and movie theaters have suddenly gotten quieter. However, …
The Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be a devastating diagnosis for anyone, especially the older generation who may already be suffering from other natural ailments. The truth is, even the fittest of person can discover their hearing is fading as they get older. Many people, especially the younger generation, don’t think anything of it until the problem becomes serious or extreme. So, what …
Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss, also referred to as hearing impairment, is a condition that results in partial or total inability to perceive sounds. Hearing loss may occur in one ear or sometimes may occur on both. In children, hearing impairment may pose a significant challenge when they begin to learn spoken language, and in adults, it can cause difficulties in social interactions …