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Driving Tips for Hearing Aid Wearers

In 2022, there were over 238 million licensed drivers on the road, up five million from the year before. That means that 89% of the adults in the U.S. are behind the wheel of a car. Driving is a right of passage, many of us learn when we are teenagers and never look back. You could say that in some …

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Treating Hearing Loss Helps You Stay Socially Connected

Many people imagine that hearing loss is not much more than a minor annoyance. In the earliest stages, this might even be true. But then, as hearing loss progresses, it starts to have more noticeable effects on our ability to participate in our social lives. Over time, those with untreated hearing loss tend to shrink from social activities, which can …

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Nutrients that Can Support Your Hearing Health

We all want to maintain our best hearing ability throughout our lives. While hearing protection is important for hearing loss prevention, and hearing aids are important for hearing loss treatment, it turns out that dietary factors can also contribute to better hearing. And, as a bonus, the same dietary measures that can protect our hearing are also good for a …

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Connecting People | May is Better Hearing & Speech Month!

Every year, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) celebrates Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM) to spread awareness of communication disorders—like hearing loss. This is a time to reflect on our hearing health, and think about whether we’re doing our best to prevent hearing loss and/or seek the treatment we might need to promote our hearing health! This year’s theme is …

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Working with Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can add difficulty to most things in life, and our jobs are no exception. Depending on the industry you work in and your job role, hearing loss may pose more or less of an issue. It’s important to know how to work around your hearing loss to be your best at work, and part of that is advocating …

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Avoiding Hearing Tests Could Make the Problem Much Worse

Many people have the impulse to avoid going for medical help, and the reasons vary from one person to the next. Some people have had bad experiences with doctors or dentists in the past, and others dislike being confronted with their limitations. Still, others hope to avoid the trouble altogether, imagining that things will improve on their own. Though some …

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Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year!

2022 is almost here! What do you hope to achieve in the next year? When you think of the new year as a time to start something new, it gives not only you but everyone in your life something to look forward to. However, it is important to remember that all these goals will be much easier to achieve with …

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How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

Hearing loss stands in the way of healthy communication. If you ask any relationship expert to name one key of a strong relationship, they will be likely to say something like “open communication.” Yet, what exactly does that mean? We know that communication is important, yet what is it about the way the mind and emotions work that makes communication …

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October is Protect Your Hearing Month

October is Protect Your Hearing Month! Hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions that people experience today, impacting nearly 1 in 8 (or 48 million) people. You can prioritize your hearing health this month by scheduling an appointment for a hearing test.  What Causes Hearing Loss? There are several factors that can contribute to the development of …

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Addressing Hearing Loss May Improve Care of Older Adults

According to a study from New York University, it appears that people with hearing loss are readmitted to hospitals at a higher rate than people without hearing loss. It makes us question what ways people who have trouble communicating verbally might need to be accommodated differently within our healthcare system to ensure equitable conditions. As a national healthcare structure, are …